One of my classmate's has posted a blog on Blackwater and their killings. I find it interesting, so im going to comment on it.
What I find most interesting about this post is how the author thinks that Blackwater employees have any restrictions on them whatsoever. As a former Army soldier, I am not a huge fan of Blackwater and other Mercenaries employed by the government and working in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have some news for you. It's not just blackwater. Blackwater is an American company, but there are companies from all over the world there. The big ones are England and Australia. The problem with companies like these is that we've never had to deal with anything like that before. We've never had "contract mercenaries" to make laws about. They make their own rules and do what they want. American soldiers deployed to Iraq have rules and regulations to follow while in Country, Blackwater and companies like it, have none. If they hurt someone on the road, they dont have to stop and help like American convoys do. I hear you when you say that they should pay, but if there are no rules for them, then there are no rules for them to break. Thats the biggest part of the trial issue. Now onto the murder issue.
And as far as them klling innocent people. I not a fan of random murder, please keep that in mind, but i've seen way too many American soldiers, innocent AMERICAN soldiers getting killed for no reason, and quite honestly i have never seen an iraqi trial. Why should we as American soldiers follow the Geneva Conventions when no one else does? We have to help injured insurgents, but they can slice our heads off? We have to treat them fairly while they are detained, but they can torture and maim us? How is that fair? Please justify that to me. I'm not defending the Blackwater agency, nor am i defending the killing of innocent people, i just want you to think about the other side of the issue. When it's you over there, afraid for your life, with someone shooting at you, having to make a split second decision, are you going to stop and think "should i kill this person? They might be an innocent civilian." It's war my dear friend. In war there are casualties. It's a sad realization, but a true one.
About Me
Monday, November 19, 2007
Blackwater Retort
Posted by
11:26 AM
Late Original Commentary
I try really hard to not read the news articles. As silly as that sounds, it's something that i have to do. Although lately for this class I am having to read them. The more and more i read, the more i get angry about what reporters and journalists are reporting as the truth. I read stories of local iraqi's and American Soldiers who have died in "roadside bombs", military operations gone wrong, random killings. Honestly, It makes me sick. Mainly because who are these journalists? Have they been there? Did they see it happen? Or are they reading about a story, that was told from someone who had a cousin who was near where it happened? I think what im trying to say here is that stuff happens. Sometimes bad stuff happens. But we are fighting a war people, and if you think that our war is going to be casualty-less (if thats even a word), you are quite honestly horribly mistaken. I read an article recently that had a picture showing President Bush embracing a KIA soldiers mother. The article was shining a negative light on President Bush. Saying that he hasnt done enough for the families of soldiers that were killed in action. What do we want him to do? Call every single family member and express his deepest sorrows? I mean come on people! Be Realistic. He didnt know your family member, he didnt care. I'm sure there is a part of him that feels guilty when a soldier dies, but honestly that is their job. It's what they signed up to do. Everyday when i woke up in Iraq i knew it was possible that it would be my last, but it's what i signed up for. Please! Dont get me wrong. I dont support Bush, but i dont hate him either. He did what he thought necesarry to fight this "war on Terror". Unfortunately i had to go to Iraq because of his decision. But i will tell you this, that deployment made me grow up in a way that nothing else ever could have or will. Americans think that being deployed is all bad. I'm here to tell you it's not. There is a lot of stuff going on over there other than killing. A lot of good is happening over there as well. Every couple weeks, my batallion did a Medical Operation in Samarra. We went out and walked the streets of the city with Medical supplies and gave check-ups to families that wanted them. They were long, hot days, but they were good days. Every Tuesday and Thursday soldiers from the Iraqi battalion that were grouped with would come to our operating base and we would teach them medical skills. It wasnt easy. Sometimes it was frustrating, and annoying. Let me tell you language barriers really suck. :) But the next time those medics brought a casualty to us, and the limb was bandaged correctly, or bleeding was controlled, it made my job easier, and it made me proud to have taught them something that they will be able to use forever. This war isnt going to end anytime soon. We better get used to it, and start seeing some of the good coming out of it. Accept it for what it is. Support your troops in other ways then bashing the president and writing letters to your congressmen. There are websites that deal with care packages for soldiers, pen pals, there are other ways to show you care. Rant ended.
Posted by
11:01 AM