ahhh.. Abortion. My fellow classmate is right about one thing for sure. "Heated with passion and religious beliefs abortion never makes for a dull topic to discuss." I'm Pro- Choice and not afraid to admit it. I think that Texas along with many other Southern states that are more conservative, have strong Anti-Abortion feelings. I had an English class last semester that we had to read an article on Abortion and write a response saying whether we agreed or disagreed with the writers statements. I was one of two students that said Abortion should be allowed. Everyone else called women that have had abortions "baby killers" and other random nasty names. I think that abortions should be handled carefully though. There should be counselings that the candidate must go through along with the other obvious screenings that should occur. It shouldnt be an easy decision to make. I'll admit that there should be some re-vamping of how abortions are handled, but i dont believe that they should be outlawed. There are so many scenarios that happen everyday to women that the general public doesnt see. I dont believe that a woman that has been raped or a young girl that had been molested should have to carry and raise a child that they dont want. As a healthcare worker, i know what goes on behind the scenes and im still pro choice. Here's the link to the article.
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Friday, December 14, 2007
Retort to Abortion article
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10:49 AM
Death Penalty
So this week, New jersey is getting rid of their death penatly. Which quite honestly kinda sucks. I hope that the other states that are pro death penalty dont follow suit off of Jersey's lame example. New Jersey re-enstated the death penalty in 1982, after the supreme court allowed states to resume executions, but Jersey hasnt executed anyone since 1963. There are currently 8 men on New Jersey's death row, and this bill that the Governer is soon to sign will spare them their lives. One of the men on NJ's death row is the man whose case sparked Megan's Law. I support the death penalty. I'm sure it sounds bad, but hell yeah i believe in an eye for an eye. Not random killings though. I dont think that people should be able to execute their own justice as they see fit. As long as it's done in the right way i support it. But i do believe that if you kill someone intentionally you should be put to death. The second part of this issue is how Jersey thinks that they are saving their tax payers money. I honestly cant believe that it costs more to put someone to death, than it does to house, clothe, feed, and entertain them for 60 + years. I would figure that the cost of a needle and some poison is well worth paying, considering the pain and suffering of the victims families.
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10:14 AM